Servizi Ecologici di Finale Ligure, Savona, is a company that has been operating in the environmental services sector since 1975. Our areas of intervention have always been diversified, in order to embrace and resolve different types of environmental problems. We operate throughout Liguria.
We can certify a consolidated experience also in the sector of sanitisation, environmental remediation, remediation and disposal of asbestos, thermographic surveys and much more. We can also count on specialised personnel, who are able to use the most appropriate and modern means, equipped with specific equipment of advanced technology.
Servizi Ecologici di Finale Ligure, Savona, è un’impresa che opera nel settore dei servizi ambientali dal 1975. I nostri settori d’intervento sono sempre stati diversificati, in modo da abbracciare e risolvere diversi tipi di problemi ambientali. Operiamo in tutta la Liguria.
Possiamo certificare una consolidata esperienza anche nel settore della sanificazione, delle bonifiche ambientali, delle bonifiche e dello smaltimento dell’amianto, delle rilevazioni termografiche e molto altro. Possiamo inoltre contare su personale specializzato, che è in grado di utilizzare i mezzi più adeguati e moderni, equipaggiati con apparecchiature specifiche d’avanzata tecnologia.
Servizi Ecologici of Finale Ligure, Savona, is a company that has been operating in the environmental services sector since 1975. Our areas of intervention have always been diversified, in order to embrace and resolve different types of environmental problems.
We can certify a consolidated experience also in the sector of sanitisation, environmental remediation, remediation and disposal of asbestos, thermographic surveys and much more. We can also count on specialised personnel, who are able to use the most appropriate and modern means, equipped with specific equipment of advanced technology.
We at Servizi Ecologici di Finale Ligure have become, over time, the point of reference for many companies and public administrations or entities in Liguria: customers who have learned to trust us because they know they can count on a first-rate partner.
"Improve the quality of your environment"
We also take care of all the necessary bureaucratic procedures on behalf of our clients, whether they are private individuals or companies, firms or public and private bodies and construction sites. We completely free the client from the technical-practical part, in order to speed up the collection and removal of waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous.
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24/24h emergency response
Via Fieno, 3 - 20123 Milano
+39 019 690774
+39 019 690778